Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wewriwa 05/27/2013

It's that time again, time for the Weekend Writing Warriors Sunday Snippet. I have another 8 sentences from my paranormal romance in progress, Eternity's Price. Last week, Catie and Eli finally got together, admitting their love for each other after he arrived home from going to England to deal with his Sire once and for all. This snippet is from the next night, and is their first date. We're in Eli's viewpoint, and they have been talking about a necklace he had given her to hold onto while he was in England. He was surprised that she had actually been wearing it the whole time instead of just "putting it in a drawer somewhere." Somehow, her explanation of why she wore it devolved into a discussion about their relative ages. The dialogue that starts the snippet is Catie talking.

"This is what I mean about you not getting it. You don't even get what it is that you don't get."

He could only stare at her. She wasn't making the slightest bit of sense. Yet that was somehow his fault for not understanding her. He wondered idly if this was a product of their ages, or if it was more of a gender thing. He made a mental note to ask some of his younger friends if this made any more sense to them than it did to him. Maybe William could explain it to him.

Hmm... Yes, let's see if William can explain it. This sounds like a plan. And in two weeks we'll see how well that works. Next week is another scene of Catie hunting - though it will be a bit different than the first time I showed that. In the meantime, don't forget to check out all the other great writers over at

And check back on Wednesday for my weekly ramble. I have a few different ideas for it, so not sure which one it will be about.

Thanks for stopping by. And, as always, comments are always welcome.


  1. Gender difference and age difference at the same time can really get hard to handle.
    I like the first two sentences, I felt like this so many times.

  2. Ah, poor Eli. In over his head, I think.

  3. Poor Eli. I think Eleri is right to say he's in over his head.

  4. Poor Eli. I think the reason he doesn't get it is because he's a male!

  5. You actually had me laughing at Eli's thoughts/reactions - so very, very true. Nicely done, enjoyedit.

  6. Great exchange there.

  7. Well if he doesn't get it then naturally he doesn't get what it is he doesn't get, right? I don't think age has anything to do with it. He's a guy.

  8. nice 8 Love Eli!

  9. I'm guessing it's a gender thing, never mind the age! Excellent excerpt!

  10. Of course it's his fault that he can't understand! Just ask my husband.

  11. I always have to laugh when issues like this come up in real life. Of course it's are wired differently. But it's the age old question, isn't it? And you've put it very nicely. Great snippet.

  12. I totally understood what she meant! :D Men, sheesh! lolz Great 8!

  13. Makes perfect sense to me. What's his problem? ;-) Nice snippet.

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  14. To heck with William, I think he needs to ask a woman what it means. :) great scene.

    History Sleuth's Writing mysteries

  15. That's a great first line. I need to go back and read the other snippets to find out about their age differences. Very interesting story!
