Sunday, May 12, 2013

Wewriwa 05/13/2013

Welcome back, everyone. It's that time again, time for another snippet of my paranormal romance Eternity's Price. Last week we saw Eli stand witness to the execution of his Sire. This week's scene takes place around the same time as that scene. Give or take me having not quite worked out details like time zones and such. We're in Catie's viewpoint as she runs into someone she had known when she was mortal. He's been filling her in on certain political issues the city will be facing, soon.

 He stopped, giving her a searching look. "Perhaps it would be best for you if you leave here, Catie. Get out before they come for us. Because the night will come when the choices we have made come back to bite us."

"Leaving isn't an option, Stef. I can't go, not now."

"Because of Eli?"

"He's certainly a part of it.

Hmm... who is going to come for them, and why? It seems that there is even more going on here than the whole mess with Esther, and whatever had Adam so upset. Or is this somehow related to that? Keep coming back to find out.

Next week we'll see what happens when Eli gets home. In the meantime, check out all the other great writers over at

Come back on Wednesday for my weekly ramble.


  1. Hm, so Eli's a part...what's the rest? :)

  2. Sounds intriguing. Love the title.

  3. Intriguing. Looking forward to more.

  4. We're all using the word intriguing, but it really is.

  5. Yes I really wonder who is going to come for them and what will Eli do as well...

  6. Definitely caught my interest! Looking forward to the next instalment.

  7. Oh, I do love a good paranormal and my interest is piqued.I'm going to have to go back and read earlier posts so I can catch up with everyone else.
