Saturday, March 23, 2013

Wewrwa 03/24/2013

Welcome back, everyone. Time for my weekly snippet of Eternity's Price for the Weekend Writing Warriors. Last week, we saw Eli's reaction to a story on the news, followed by him getting a phone call from someone named Jane. Today's snippet is from about half an hour later. We're still in Eli's viewpoint, but we start with Jane talking. Eli has just asked her when Esther was killed, and we start with her response.

"Well, exsanguination made her body cool faster than it normally would, which would complicate things for a normal coroner." She moved Esther's hair away from her neck, revealing two puncture wounds. "However, this tells me that it was sometime before sunrise this morning."

Last night. She was killed last night. Had it been while he was talking to Catie? He shied away from that thought, not wanting to consider what implications it might have. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, but his hands were shaking so much he dropped it trying to open it.

This poor guy. I kind of hate myself for doing this to him. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to handle scene order on the next few scenes, so I don't know yet what next week's post will be. But, in the meantime check out the other great writers over at and thank you for stopping by.

Come back tomorrow for Positive Thinking Monday.


  1. Sounds like he knows some things he'd rather not know. Intriguing,can'tr wait to learn more. Terrific snippet - I feel his anxiety.

    1. He thinks he knows things he'd rather not know. He's feeling a bit guilty, right now. Thank you.

  2. Nice follow-up of last weeks - heightens the worry and sense of "impending" bad-stuff/reveal/discovery coming. Nicely done.

  3. Is he thinking that he could have saved her? I feel for him. He's certainly rattled by the situation.

  4. I can feel his raw emotion. Great dialogue as well. Terrfic snippet!

  5. Definitely interesting -- can't wait to find out more. :)

  6. I caught his guilt feeling but not why. Maybe I have missed something. There seems to be a lot going on here with many layers.

  7. Looking forward to more! Enjoyed your snippet! :)

  8. Ah survivor's guilt, very powerful. Good snippet, Isabella. :)

  9. Love the guilt feeling. Hopefully he'll use it to find her killer or avenge her death or something.
